Convert Your Wood Fireplace to Natural Gas

Convert Your Wood Fireplace to Natural Gas
  • Opening Intro -

    If you own a wood-burning fireplace, you may enjoy the look and warmth that it provides for your room.

    For some homeowners, such fireplaces are a hassle, needing regular maintenance and a steady supply of expensive wood that is stored outside and must be brought in and dried before using.


Fortunately, there is an option for homeowners that want the look, but not the mess — a natural gas fireplace with gas logs that looks nearly identical to the real thing. Let’s review five reasons why a natural gas fireplace may be right for you.

1. No smoke and definitely no ashes.

Does smoke and ashes irritate you? Never mind the mess that you must contend with as you attempt to keep your fireplace clean. For asthma sufferers, a gas fireplace is the only way to go.

2. Is environmentally friendly.

No more soot is sent up through the chimney as you light your fireplace. Wood adds to the pollution problem while natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fuels on the planet. Save the earth — go natural!

3. Provides adequate heating for any room.

You certainly won’t heat the entire house with any fireplace, but your natural gas fireplace can do a very good job of heating up an entire room. The advantage here is that if you spend much of your time in one room, you can lower your thermostat for the rest of the house.

4. Offers the similar mood of a regular fireplace.

Who does not like to see flames dancing on logs in the fireplace? That same mood is apparent when you make use of gas logs, as this option enables you and your loved ones to enjoy a serene setting around the holidays and throughout the long, cold winter months.

5. The cost may be within your reach.

Fireplace conversions are not terribly expensive and can offer even greater savings if you already have a natural gas connection present. Natural gas prices are low and you will never have to pay for wood again. You will gradually recoup the cost of your investment and likely have a valued-added renovation that can benefit any possible future home sell too.

Conversion Tips

Your natural gas supplier is one possible place to look for installer of an all-new natural gas fireplace. Your supplier may allow you to spread your installation costs out over several months instead of incurring a single bill. Check with several companies and find the look and prices that are right for you.

Home Improvement reference:

about fireplaces



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Categories: Heating and Cooling

About Author

Matthew C. Keegan

Matt Keegan is a freelance writer and editor as well as publisher of "Auto Trends Magazine", an online publication. Matt covers campus, consumer, business and financial topics on various websites and weblogs, and has been published in the "Houston Chronicle", "Sam's Club Magazine" and "Wisconsin Golfer".