5 Great Ways to Update Your Home This Summer

5 Great Ways to Update Your Home This Summer
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    The home improvement industry is in the midst of an upsurge thanks to the 2020 pandemic.

    With time on their hands, many people decided to upgrade their residences to make their spaces more comfortable during quarantine.


By 2022, home improvement sales are estimated to equal $465 billion. There are plenty of things that help enhance your home and the surrounding property.

Here are 5 such great ways to update your home this summer.

1. Level Up Your Doors and Windows

Weathered doors and windows can make an otherwise beautiful home look dreary and old. Unfortunately, there are situations where these portals can’t be saved no matter how much spackle or paint is applied. In those situations, you want to consider leveling up.

Purchase windows that are double-paned. These provide additional insulation to maintain the temperature in your home throughout the year. To get the most of your entry areas, purchase custom doors.

Locations in your area and online like US Door & More have numerous specialty designs you can choose from. The single replacement of a front door can do wonders for a home’s exterior.

2. Alter Your Paint Colors

Some rooms feel claustrophobic or intensely bright due to the wall colors. Darker paint makes spaces feel smaller. On the other hand, rooms painted in bold colors can cause sensitivity issues.

The best thing to do this summer is to make changes to these areas with different paint schemes. Your bedroom should not be brown or dark gray as this results in a dreariness.

Instead, consider warm colors in that room and other areas of your home. Hues of green, blue, and yellow help establish a calming space.

3. Change the Landscape

Though your home is a showplace, it’s hampered by the way your property is landscaped. A large swath of green lawn makes it seem plain. Additionally, its maintenance sucks time away from your enjoyment of summer days.

Correct this by changing your property’s landscape. Incorporate more shrubs, plants, and flowers into the area. It brightens up spaces and eliminates the amount of grass you need to maintain.

Another option is to forego grass altogether and xeriscape. This form of landscape combines succulent plants with rock gardens and other features that don’t require much water.

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4. Change Your Wall Hangings

Is there a photo or painting you constantly pass by that you’re tired of seeing? Has it been up on the wall longer than your kids have been alive? If that’s the case, then consider changing some of these items.

One way to do this is to simply move them around. Perhaps a hallway picture looks better in your living room. Conversely, you can purchase new items at a flea market or art festival and hang them in the appropriate rooms. Like paint, photos and paintings have a relaxing effect on people.

5. Replace Carpet with Hardwood

In the time known as Back in the Day, wall-to-wall carpeting was a luxury. Instead, hardwood floors were covered with various area rugs to maintain warmth and decoration. It might be time to do this in your home.


One reason is that it’s hard to regularly maintain a carpet. It involves constant vacuuming and removal of stains. Furthermore, carpets retain bacteria that potentially cause allergic reactions.

However, before you tear up the entire house, consider which rooms you want to work on first. Bring in a professional to measure the space and provide you with the hardwood options. Most likely, a tongue-and-groove floor is the easiest to install and maintain.

These five items are a small percentage of ways to update your home this summer. Consider creating a backyard oasis with a fire pit and seating area. Swap flower beds with areas filled with fruit, vegetable, and herb plants. Get rid of older pieces of furniture and rearrange the rest for a more intimate space.

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Whatever you decide, don’t break the bank. Walk around your home and list the items you want to update. Then, put together a plan and budget.

Start small and steady on one project. When that’s done to your satisfaction, move on to the next one. Before you know it, you’ll have a home that feels wonderful not only in summer but also the entire year.

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Image credit: ways to update your home this summer by envato.com

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